Evan Varsamis, Founder and CEO of Mintify – Building a Modular Trading Terminal, Creating Value within Ecosystems, the Future of In-Game Assets, His Hiring Process and More | Martin Hyu Show Ep.33

My guest today is Evan Varsamis (you can find him on Twitter @evanvar). He is a New York-based entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Mintify - the modular trading terminal for all things NFT-Fi.

Evan is a 5x founder and was previously the CEO of GadgetFlow which recently got acquired. As a self-taught designer and developer - Evan is a curious mind that stays on the edge of technology on a day to day basis having to navigate a fast-paced Web3 world. In this episode we talk about the importance of wearing many hats as an entrepreneur. He shares his mindset for scaling a company, how to build culture, his hiring process and more. We talk about NFTs, creating value within ecosystems, the future of in-game assets as well as the stuff he’s currently working on with Mintify.

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I enjoyed recording it. If you can take an extra 10 to 30 seconds to share your thoughts and review the podcast, it would mean the world to me :) If you like what you hear, hit that follow button!

Follow Evan on Twitter: https://twitter.com/evanvar

Follow Mintify on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mintify

Learn more about MAYA (my NFT members’ club) here: https://www.mayaclub.xyz/

Follow MAYA here: https://twitter.com/mayaclub_xyz

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Martin HuuMars Media